Figure 1: "Nerds" THC sweets contain 600mg of THC. In the latter half of 2020, it has been reported in the popular press¹'²'³, that a number of school-aged children from…
Flu has been responsible for the world's most deadly pandemics having once killed 50 million people in a single wave (Spanish Flu, 1918). The technology to produce flu vaccines at…
With second and third waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in full bloom, we look at what new pandemic might lie just over the horizon. Can 2020 get any worse? The…
Are we ice skating up a hill? The independent community pharmacy sector is fast evolving into a more service-based model. With the impending acquisition of Pharmacy2U by Amazon and the…
"I have Bi Polar Type 2 (not officially diagnosed as my GP had already started my treatment on mood stabiliser Olanzapine) I am diagnosed as having Major depression, I’m on…
5 Steps to owning your own pharmacy. In the UK, a business which can dispense Prescription Only Medicines (POMs) against a prescription is termed a 'Pharmacy' and must be registered…
In response to the COVID pandemic, many pharmacy-based educational institutions are looking for new ways to increase the proportion of offline vs online courses that they offer. Traditionally, the ratio…
There seems to be a considerable amount of misinformation on the internet about which foods a dog can or cannot eat. Some websites say pistachios are deadly poisonous whilst others…
Science has always battled with the question of nature vs nurture. Is it your genes which create you or is it your environment? The answer, unfortunately, is not so binary. Both…