Online Prescribing Formulary

If you are a prescriber, you will be acutely aware of your own local formulary which defines which medicines can and cannot be prescribed for specific patients. This formulary is often limited by the place that you work, which in turn is limited by the regional health authority which again is limited by the country in which you work. An online prescribing formulary addresses these overlapping medical jurisdictions and highlights additional precautions which must be undertaken.

Written by a multidisciplinary team and led by our Medical Director Mike Bereza the online prescribing formulary (OPF) is intended for anyone looking to prescribe online. The OPF details the risks involved with prescribing specific medicines online and the methods by which they can be mitigated. The main sections include:

If you would like to access the latest version of the Online Prescribing Formulary (OPF) please contact us.