risk assessment – Online Prescribing https://onlineprescribing.com Online Prescribing Best Practice Fri, 06 Jan 2023 03:24:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/onlineprescribing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-android-chrome-512x512-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 risk assessment – Online Prescribing https://onlineprescribing.com 32 32 209681591 What is a prescribing framework? https://onlineprescribing.com/what-is-a-prescribing-framework/ https://onlineprescribing.com/what-is-a-prescribing-framework/#respond Thu, 05 Jan 2023 02:47:03 +0000 https://onlineprescribing.com/?p=1425 A prescribing framework is a set of guidelines or rules that outline the conditions under which healthcare professionals can prescribe medications to patients. The purpose of a prescribing framework is to ensure that medications are prescribed safely and appropriately and to help healthcare professionals make informed decisions about which medications to prescribe and at what dosages.

Prescribing frameworks can vary depending on the healthcare setting and the type of medication being prescribed. For example, a hospital may have a different prescribing framework than a primary care clinic, and different frameworks may be in place for prescribing controlled substances compared to non-controlled medications. Prescribing frameworks may be developed by professional organizations, regulatory bodies, or government agencies, and may be based on evidence-based guidelines or best practices in the field.

Frameworks are primarily constructed from an audit of practice, which creates a risk mitigation matrix which then leads to a restriction of practice by the utilisation of standard operating procedures alongside a prescribing formulary.

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Online Prescribing Damage Mitigation https://onlineprescribing.com/online-prescribing-damage-mitigation/ https://onlineprescribing.com/online-prescribing-damage-mitigation/#respond Fri, 22 Jul 2022 23:52:03 +0000 https://onlineprescribing.com/?p=1210 Prescription drugs can come with a host of side effects that can be bothersome and even dangerous. Nearly all medications are made up of tiny molecules, which are smaller than the cells that line the intestines. The minute these molecules pass into the intestines, they’re absorbed into the body. This means that certain types of medications shouldn’t be taken orally.

Consumer-facing Prescription Safety Measures

Patients should always be aware of the safety precautions necessary when dealing with chronic prescriptions. There are a variety of potential dangers that can occur such as drug interactions, accidental ingestion, and overdosing.

NHS Damages table, online prescribing damages
Civil damages claimed by patients treated under the NHS.

Above is a list of civil damages claimed by people who use the free NHS in the UK.

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Regulation 25(2)(a) & Distance Selling Pharmacy – uninterrupted service provision https://onlineprescribing.com/regulation-252a-distance-selling-pharmacy/ https://onlineprescribing.com/regulation-252a-distance-selling-pharmacy/#respond Wed, 09 Feb 2022 04:27:17 +0000 https://onlineprescribing.com/?p=73 Distance Selling Pharmacies should provide the uninterrupted provision of essential services during opening hours to persons anywhere in England who request those services; and

~ The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations

Regulation 25 (2)(a), which can be found in the National Health Service Regulations is often quoted by the NHS inspectorate during a refused application for a distance-selling pharmacy. The reason this regulation was initially included by the NHS was to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest in a primary care provider such as a GP surgery opening up a distance-selling pharmacy within its location. The conflict that might arise is that the GP or whoever is writing the prescription will direct the patient to the pharmacy within the building for dispensing. i.e. if the GP has a share in both businesses they will be both the gold mine and the jeweller!

The best way to avoid conflicts of interest like this is to not do it! Or if there is no other option to create a clinical governance framework which would train all prescription writers not to direct prescriptions to the pharmacy within the same building. This is very nuanced, however, has been done in multiple previous locations including Douglas Pharmacy, in Angel Islington. If you would like further advice from the pharmacist that set this up please use this link.

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